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Governors' Register of Business Interests

Governors’ Register of Interests


From 1 September 2015, governing bodies will be under a duty to publish on their website their register of interests. The register should set out the relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register should also set out any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.


Governing bodies should make it clear in their code of conduct that this information will be published on their governors and, where applicable, their associate members. Any governor failing to reveal information to enable the governing body to fulfil their responsibilities may be in breach of the code of conduct, and as a result be bringing the governing body into disrepute. In such cases the governing body should consider suspending the governor.


Inspira Academy Trust Register of Business Interests

A member of Inspira Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales, with company number 13188733.
