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Pupil Assessment

At Chartham Primary we see assessment as an integral part of teaching and learning, and it is inextricably linked to our curriculum.

We use 3 broad overarching forms of assessment: day-to-day in-school formative assessment, in-school summative assessment and nationally standardised summative assessment.


Formative assessment techniques used at Chartham Primary School:

  • Marking and feedback
  • Questioning
  • Discussion
  • Observations
  • Individual whiteboards
  • Retrieval practices
  • Self and peer assessment


Formal Termly Summative assessments:

EYFS and Y1


- Phonics after each Little Wandle block is completed 

- reading related to LW assessments (above)

Year 1

Summer 2:

- reading

- maths (arithmetic and reasoning)

Year 2

Spring 2:

- reading

- maths (arithmetic and reasoning).

Summer 2: KS1 SATs – opt in.

Years 3,4 and 5

Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2:

- reading

- spelling & grammar

- maths (arithmetic & reasoning)

Year 6

Autumn 1, Autumn 2, Spring 1, Spring 2:

Previous SATs materials.


Access arrangements are put in place as standard practice to support any children with additional needs or disabilities (SEND).


Nationally standardised summative assessments include:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) baseline assessment (within first 6 weeks of starting school).
  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile at the end of reception
  • Phonics screening check in Year 1 (retakes in Y2 where necessary)
  • Year 4 Timestable Check
  • National Curriculum tests and teacher assessments at the end of Key Stage KS1 (year 2 opt in) and KS2 (year 6)


Collecting and using data


At Chartham Primary School we use Insight Assessment Tracking to collect and analyse data.


Reporting to parents/carers:


Termly Learning Conferences:

  • Autumn 2: discussions on how children a settling in to their new class/year group
  • Spring 2 


School reports:

  • Spring 2:

     - EYFS: progress, current attainment against the Early Leaning Goals   and targets are shared and discussed.

     - KS1 and 2: progress, current attainment (reading, writing and   maths) and targets are shared and discussed.


EYFS teachers will report whether children are on track to be emerging or expected against each Early Learning Goal.

KS1 and 2 teachers will report whether children are on track to be emerging, expected or exceeding in reading, writing and maths (indicating the year group they are currently working within for each subject).  


  • Summer 2: Final annual report is shared. This includes


  •  EYFS – progress and attainment against the Early Learning Goals, along with a written report summarising EYFS Profile results.


  • KS1&2: progress and attainment for reading, writing, maths and science, along with a detailed comment for each.
  • Performance comment around the foundation subjects
  • Behaviour for learning comment
  • Attendance record


  • KS1 reports – inc a statement that teacher assessment outcomes take into account the results of statutory National Curriculum tests in English reading and maths (outcomes to be shared with parents along with national comparisons).
  • KS2 SATs outcomes – with national comparisons (Y6)
  • Phonics screening outcomes (Y1, and Y2 if taken in June of the current academic year)
  • Multiplication check outcomes (Y4)




Our children's learning is regularly shared with parents/carers via Tapestry (online journals)





The principles of this assessment policy apply to all pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

Assessment will be used diagnostically to contribute to the early and accurate identification of pupils’ special educational needs and any requirements for support and intervention.

We will use meaningful ways of measuring all aspects of progress, including communication, social skills, physical development, resilience and independence. We will have the same high expectations of all pupils. However, this should account for the amount of effort the pupil puts in, as well as the outcomes achieved.

For pupils working below the national expected level of attainment, our assessment arrangements will consider progress relative to pupil starting points, and take this into account alongside the nature of pupils’ learning difficulties.

As soon as more up to date versions are available, they will be uploaded.

A member of Inspira Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales, with company number 13188733.
